Friday, December 14, 2012

Maria (Place your nickname here) Solis

Time and time again, I have made the mistake of writing my profile to appeal to as many people as possible - a slip on my part. I wrote about myself like I would write about a product that's for sale. Stupid. I've since corrected that and I now write about myself the way I view myself and not how I would want to be viewed. I know very well that I am not for everyone.  I promise, I am quite the handful, and it takes a lot of patience and possibly some skates to keep up with me. :]

I am what some would call an Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving individual (yeah that’s a mouthful). My primary mode of living is focused externally, where I take things in via my five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. No joke! My secondary mode is internal, where I tend to deal with things according to how I feel about them, or how they fit with MY personal value system.

I am in my twenties (you don’t need the actual number) and terrified of getting older. It has taken me a long time to figure out that… well, that's what happens in get older and then you die! Ha-ha!

Obviously, I am a little dramatic ^ :P Very outspoken and a wee-bit sarcastic.
I believe to have very strong inter-personal skills and I'm capable of, and very much enjoy, talking about any subject matter (but prefer to speak about things I like).

People faaaascinate me! So that makes me very inquisitive about their lives. Some would say - nosy. But I'm not just interested in the person you are today (or the person you're pretending to be at least) I like to know about people and love to find out how “you” became “you” and WHY. I am genuinely interested in the public. I spend a lot of time thinking about other people, their motivations, how they became who they are, what they go through every day, and things of that nature. It's one of those secretive (probably the only introverted side of me) thought processes that I put myself through to identify with people, I guess. I am a very fast-paced and really enjoy new experiences. Which makes me anxious because I tend to get bored very easily. And it makes it difficult, sometimes, for some to keep up or even understand why I do the things I do. No matter what it is. Add all this up and to some, I come off as a very indecisive girl with some embellishment and grandiloquence issues. Ha. And perhaps I am somewhat chatty and will turn a short story into a book with 13 different endings but I am definitely approachable. :]

I have a great bullshit detector, my problem is believing it, but when I do, which is often, I will go along with a lot of “BS” for the fun of it. I figure if you are compelled to lie and caca del torro about something then what ever little world you are living in I want to see. Chances are that I am a better liar than you. But! I hate lying. I'm impressed by actions rather than procrastinated plans or empty words. Humility over secrecy – for sure.

I have a job! Yay! Ha-ha. And work my butt off every day. I do best in a job setting in which I am able to use my “people skills” (in other words my yappy mouth), along with the ability to meld ideas into structured formats. I graduated from UHCL with a BA in Communication and I am hopeful to see the benefits of my school debt payoff soon! HA. So far...I am still waiting.

I am an animal freak, and I have aspiring dreams of one day owning my own animal shelter or something of that sort (Magenta's Angels). 3 fuzzy dogs live with me now, Ernie, Whiskey and the little booger we like to call Rudy, who with their crazy hair and stinky breath brighten my morning. I am a tree hugger. I try really hard to recycle, I’m still not very good at it but I will continue to learn with one bottle, paper and can at a time. And will scream at you if you try to make me or are a litter bug. "Don't Mess With Texas!" Annnd we only have one planet people!

I would like to think that I have a kind heart and I spend my time listening to my friends (FF’s), reading for hours on end, writing, talking on the stinking cell phone, FACEBOOK or sitting in the hot tub full of bubbles. I love to dance and sing and would be completely lost without music!

I love life, and I love to have fun(too much sometimes). I have a strong appreciation for the “finer things” in life, such as good food and good wine (More so the wine, ha-ha). I am very much a girl. My weakness...SHOES, SHOES AND MORE SHOES! PURSES, PURSES AND MORE PURSES! There is no such thing as too many and whoever thinks that is seriously disturbed! :]

My heroes, besides Christ and my mother.

Those who are told that they will never make it and walk through barriers to reach what they want.
Animal lovers and caretakers.

Those who stand up for what they truly believe in.


And our brave men and women who put their life on the line so that I can freely type this.

So… if you ever get bored or you're feeling kind of down, look me up. I'll tell you a story or sing you a song (I can’t sing) but I will give you the best advice I have and I promise to try very hard to at least put a small (fake) smile on your face.

And so you may be asking yourself… “And what’s the point to all of this?!” [Shoulder shrug] --Nothing, you were bored and I love to talk. Welcome to my silly life. :]

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